Currently serving as Senior Vice President at PSI, Dino Romero has been with the company since 2013. Having worked with the firm as a subcontractor before joining the PSI team, Dino has worked alongside other members of PSI’s leadership for almost two decades.
Dino’s professional career began in sales as a materials vendor, but he quickly moved into construction. Dino was an ownership partner at his last company for thirteen years, subcontracting with PSI, before he decided it was time for a change. At the invitation of PSI leadership, Dino took on a year-long trial with the company and never looked back.
Though the move to PSI required Dino to take a step-back from project management, he recognized that PSI was the right place for him and that it would provide growth opportunities in time. He was proven right, becoming Vice President four years later, and Senior Vice President two years after that. Dino continues to be grateful to his wife and children for their support during the transition to PSI; he confirms that his current success would not have been possible without their sacrifice.
Dino also credits the PSI team, its leadership and clients for his growth at the company. Dino is proud to have been able to give back to PSI since taking on the position of Vice President. During his tenure, PSI has succeeded at several new initiatives including updates to their software, expanded training, mentorship, and opportunities for attracting new clients. Dino also helps spear-head new divisions at PSI.
According to Dino, his driving force is to strive for excellence and continual growth. As a son of an immigrant, Dino observed his father’s hard work and the challenges he faced, which taught Dino to never take work ethic and sacrifice for granted.
In his free time, Dino enjoys learning to play electric guitar and rebuilding his classic truck. He is also an avid record collector. He resides in Orange County living his best “girl dad” life with two daughters and his beautiful wife of more than twenty-four years.