Alex says he was “born into construction.” With over twenty years in the industry and at PSI, Alex has made a life of it as well, and is proud to serve as PSI’s General Superintendent.
Alex’s father was a roofing contractor, and Alex began following in his father’s footsteps at an early age. In his formative years, Alex was often left in charge of projects, which heavily contributed to his drive to grow and succeed. He joined the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America in 2000 as an apprentice, and received his first job at PSI. Alex has been with the company ever since, progressing his career through commitment and dedication. Alex eventually became a foreman and then quickly moved to become a job-site superintendent. In 2017, Alex took on the role of PSI’s General Superintendent.
Alex began working on construction projects in hospitals and healthcare environments on behalf of PSI when he was still an apprentice. In the world of hospital construction, Alex saw that there was a great need for experienced project supervisors, and he began training others to run projects similar to his own. He is proud to say that, today, 90% of PSI’s superintendents come from the field, and many of them have started their careers with PSI. Alex’s understanding of the healthcare field, his leadership, and his experience with field staff made him a natural choice for General Superintendent.
With PSI, Alex has had the opportunity to grow his career, and he takes great joy in helping others pursue similar success. “For people who want it, there is always an opportunity to grow,” Alex says. In addition to experience and training offered by the firm, Alex points to the company’s collaboration with their union as a formative part of his career. He learned professionalism and leadership early in life through PSI and the union and credits the two with his accelerated career growth.
In his free time, Alex enjoys building classic cars and spending time with his family. He lives in Chino, CA with his wife of twenty years and two of his children; he has one adult daughter. On the topic of his professional and personal success, Alex confirms that he is very happy with his place in the company.